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1ST AUG 2024 - 31ST OCT 2024

Tan Sri B. C. Sekhar Science & Technology Innovation Award 2024

Event Venue: Exclusively Online -

The Tan Sri BC Sekhar Innovation Award offers RM100,000 per Memorial Lecture for individuals or entities in Research, Science & Technology, and Innovation fields. Open to Malaysian citizens of any age, the award recognizes substantial accomplishments without requiring a degree. Applications are exclusively online, with no acceptance of hard copies or physical submissions.

The selection process involves an evaluation by the BC Sekhar Award Secretariat, which compiles a list of potential candidates based on submitted applications. This list is reviewed by a Selection Committee composed of representatives from the industry, who will then shortlist candidates for interviews. The final selection is made by the Vinod Sekhar Foundation based on the Committee's recommendations.

Recipients must engage in specific activities, including weekly social media postings over three months, at least two speaking engagements, and availability for interviews and publicity initiatives for one year. The application period runs from 1 August to 31 October 2024.